We welcome inquiries from motivated, creative, and qualified people who are interested in our research program. Current openings and application process for PhD and postdoctoral positions are at the links below. We frequently have openings for undergraduate researchers and have even had high school students on our team.
- Postdoctoral researchers, please see Postdoctoral Openings
- Prospective PhD students, please see Graduate School
- Undergraduate students interested in research opportunities, including 199s and senior theses, please see Undergraduate Research
Even if there is no advertised position that is a good match, we encourage qualified students and researchers who have funding or are interested in applying for funding to contact Prof. Saygin by emailing ucsd dot cogneurolab at gmail dot com to discuss potentially working together. Prosective graduate students may want to consult with the PI which program to apply for as we may not be recruiting cogsci or neuro students in a given year. We also welcome inquiries from undergraduate students and visiting researchers. When contacting us, please use an informative subject line in your email so that the risk of missing your message is minimised.
See also: Publications, Graduate School, Undergraduate Research, Funding, Lab Policies, How to Contact a PI.